Dealerspeed Java Settings

How to Configure Java Settings in the Java Control Panel:

• Open the Control Panel: Click on  the “Java” icon:
Note: If you do not see this view, click on the drop down by “View by” and select small icons.
The Java Control Panel Opens: Click on the “Security” Tab:
• “Enable Java content in the browser” needs to be selected with a check mark.
• The “Security Level” is recommended to be at the lowest security level unless instructed differently by local IT.
• Click on the “Edit Site List” button and Click “Add”:
 Enter in the URL’s that need to be allowed to use Java for the BMW website. Here is current recommended sites list. The URL’s listed in Red are highly suggested for the applications to work correctly for everyday use. The Key Reader URL only needs to be added if there is an attached Key Reader Device.
•  (This is for Online Ordering Functions)
• http://(IP address of the ISPI Hub):8095    
 Example: (This is for Key Readers)
 If you are unsure what the IP address is on the ISPI Hub, please reach out to your local IT, ISPI Next Administrator, or Shop Forman at the local dealership.
• https://*
•     (This is for TMSI)
•  (This is for the Medallia portal from Centernet)
•  (This is for Marketing Central in Centernet)
•  (This is for the infobahn website

• Go to the “Advanced” tab in the Java Control Panel. Scroll down until you find “Mixed code (sandboxed vs. trusted) security Verification and apply this setting:
• Click “OK” and close the Window.


How to Flush Java Cache and Reset the Java Security Prompts if you are having Technical Issues:
• In the Java Control Panel click on “Settings” to Flush the Java Cache:
• Click on “Delete Files”:
• Be sure there are checkmarks in the boxes, and click “OK”:
• Click “OK” to close the windows.
• To Restore Security Prompts, open the Java Control Panel and click on “Restore Security Prompts”:
• The Confirmation Window will open. Click on “Restore All”:
• Click “OK” to close the Java Control Panel

Once this has been done, and you open up again, you will be prompted with the Java Prompt Windows. Be sure to enter a check mark in them and click RUN

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Date added:
2016-01-16 14:43:24
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